Dorothy Erickson
Dorothy Erickson is a Western Australian artist jeweller and designer based in Perth who has exhibited internationally since 1979.
Daughter of respected naturalist, historian, botanical artist and writer Dr Rica Erickson she grew up on the family farm in Bolgart and attended boarding school in Perth.
Her jewellery is in private collections, museums and art galleries worldwide. Most of her early work reflected her Australian surroundings, using the colours and formations of the landscape as inspiration. Newer pieces often have kinetic qualities which are activated by the moving body while more recent work features multi-coloured stones used as a painter’s palette in the Klimt and Wildflower collections.
Dorothy Erickson is also the author of several books on art, design and history in Western Australia. She has been writing about the crafts since the mid 1970s. A regular writer for publications such as Craftwest, Craft Arts International, OZ Arts, Artlink, Australiana and the ADB, she was also an art critic for The Bulletin and has contributed to international publications such as Jewellery Studies and Daily Life of Women: An Encyclopedia from Ancient Times to the Present.
Made in Western Australia.