Dawn till Dusk: In the Stirling and Porongurup Ranges
Dawn till Dusk: In the Stirling and Porongurup Ranges
Rob Olver and Stuart Olver
'Dawn till Dusk' is both a practical guide to, and a visual celebration of, the Stirling and Porongurup ranges of south-western Australia. This is the second edition of the bestselling book first published in 1998. With over one hundred stunning photographs, detailed maps, and information on social and natural history, flora and fauna, bushwalks and climbs, special attractions and facilities, it will delight tourists, wildflower enthusiasts, bushwalkers, rock climbers and naturalists - in fact anyone who has ever dreamed of standing on a misty peak, surrounded by mountain wilderness.
About the Authors:
Rob and Stuart Olver were born in Durban, South Africa and migrated to Australia in 1983. Their parents introduced them as young children to the mountains in South Africa, fostering an interest in animals, wilderness and bushwalking. They have been regular visitors to the Stirling and Porongurup ranges since their first family trip there, in 1985. Rob is a landscape and art photographer and author, while Stuart is an immunology researcher and fiction and non-fiction writer.
Dimensions: H 24cm x W 17cm
ISBN: 9780646824758
Publisher: Dawn Til Dusk Photographics
Publication Date: 2021
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 168