Llewelyn Ash
Llewelyn Ash has always been connected with his surroundings. Growing up in the Adelaide hills enriched his experience of natural flora and fauna. Art began in the home for him with both parents being artists, Glen Ash, well-known for his oil painting and Janet Ayliffe a celebrated water colour painter and print maker. From a young age Llewelyn started drawing the animals he was surrounded by - chooks, ducks, dogs, and donkeys.
Surfing then became a major part of Llewelyn’s journey, moving down the South Australian coastline along every peninsula. It was only fitting to fill his drawing books with images of the ocean, with its sea life, and the natural beach landscapes Llewelyn primarily worked in watercolors, photo polymer etchings and oil paints in his earlier works. Studying at the University of South Australia posed new techniques and challenges. Ultimately this is where he was introduced to his passion and love, glass. Being guided and mentored by Gabrielle Bisetto and tutored by Tim Shaw, Llewelyn, created his own unique and distinctive style
Llewelyn’s glass is now being exhibited in art galleries Australia wide. With exhibitions held in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in the last two years, including the the Design Institute of Australia award, he was also a finalist in the Australian National Glass Museum Student Award, selected as a Jam Factory Associate, awarded the Jam Factory Pilchuck Scholarship in Seattle and won the Waterhouse Youth Art Prize.
Made in Australia.