Birds and animals
The Bush BirdsHelen Milroy From the author of the bestselling Backyard series, Helen Milroy's lat...
The Bush BirdsHelen Milroy From the author of the bestselling Backyard series, Helen Milroy's latest book helps young readers better observe their local birds when out for a walk in the bush. 'Little birds, big birds, all different kinds. How many bush birds can you find?' From curious blue wrens to booming emus, and from feasting lorikeets to eagles soaring, Bush Birds by Helen Milroy is a fun and lively read with bold illustrations designed to celebrate the birds in our bush. About the Aut...
The Whale Sharks of Ningaloo Activity Book
The Whale Sharks of Ningaloo - Activities and Cool Facts is a fantastic new activity book for kid...
The Whale Sharks of Ningaloo - Activities and Cool Facts is a fantastic new activity book for kids to help them learn all about Western Australia’s marine emblem – the magnificent whale shark! Aimed at primary school aged children (with plenty of fun facts for parents too), this book contains stickers, games and quizzes. Readers will learn all about the largest fish in the ocean, why they are so special and why they need protection. It's perfect for the kids to take in the car or do at home.
I am a Magpie I Am a Currawong
From magpies to currawongs, and finches to thornbills, here are a few little details to look out ...
From magpies to currawongs, and finches to thornbills, here are a few little details to look out for when in Australian gardens, parks, beaches or bush. With simple rhymes and stunning illustrations this book is a beautiful beginning to a bird loving journey.
Birds of the Perth HillsTalitha Huston Birds are plentiful and common in the Perth Hills. They ar...
Birds of the Perth HillsTalitha Huston Birds are plentiful and common in the Perth Hills. They are found in backyards, bushland, rivers and lakes. These birds thrive, living in the Jarrah-Marri forest, a type of eucalyptus forest, found only in the southwest of Western Australia. These birds range from honeyeaters to cockatoos, wrens, pigeons, thornbills, and many more. This book is not only an identification and information guide, it also includes photography tips for each bird. About the Au...
The Compact Australian Bird Guide
The Compact Australian Bird GuideJeff Davies, Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Peter ...
The Compact Australian Bird GuideJeff Davies, Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Peter Marsack, Kim Franklin 'The Compact Australian Bird Guide' is an easy-to-use and beautifully illustrated quick identification guide to all bird species regularly occurring in Australia. The content has been carefully designed to provide the reader with key information to enable rapid identification of a bird, in a convenient form. Based on the award-winning 'The Australian Bird Guide', this compact...
Winner Winner Bin Chicken Dinner
Winner Winner Bin Chicken DinnerBy Kate Temple, Jol TempleIllustrations by Ronojoy Ghosh Ibis is...
Winner Winner Bin Chicken DinnerBy Kate Temple, Jol TempleIllustrations by Ronojoy Ghosh Ibis is on the lookout for food but she's not welcome anywhere! Until she spies the most amazing dinner of all.
Djerap: Noongar BirdsMaree Klesch (editor), Lois Spehn-Jackson (editor) 'Djerap' is an amazing re...
Djerap: Noongar BirdsMaree Klesch (editor), Lois Spehn-Jackson (editor) 'Djerap' is an amazing resource that has been a couple of years in the making. Djerap is a very significant publication because it is the first Noongar book to include the three contemporary Noongar dialects in one book. The cover shows the two moieties of the Noongar Nation; Waardong (Australian Raven) and Manatj (Western Long-billed Corella), representing Noongar people standing together to revive their language and cul...
100 Australian BirdsGeorgia Angus, foreword by Professor Tim Flannery A beautifully illustrated a...
100 Australian BirdsGeorgia Angus, foreword by Professor Tim Flannery A beautifully illustrated and jargon-free guide for the new generations of Australian birdwatchers. '100 Australian Birds' is a beginner's guide to the world of birdwatching. From the outside, this strange hobby of birdwatching appears to consist of sizeable camera lenses, khaki pants that are pulled up too high, and gruelling treks in pursuit of rare bird species. But for those who haven't been scared off by jumbo field gu...
The Natural World of the Kimberley
The Natural World of the KimberleyHamish McGlashan, Kevin Coate, Jeffrey Gresham and Roz Hart The...
The Natural World of the KimberleyHamish McGlashan, Kevin Coate, Jeffrey Gresham and Roz Hart The Kimberley region of Western Australia is one of the world's last great wilderness areas. Covering more than 400,000 square kilometres, it is home to some of the country's most iconic natural landmarks. The Kimberley's diverse habitats support an astonishing variety of plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Although, the rugged and remote nature of the region offers the...
The Australian Native Bee Book
The Australian Native Bee Book: Keeping stingless bee hives for pets, pollination and sugarbag ho...
The Australian Native Bee Book: Keeping stingless bee hives for pets, pollination and sugarbag honeyTim Heard 'The Australian Native Bee Book' describes native bees generally and provides a complete guide to keeping Australian native stingless bees. It is richly illustrated with over 500 photos, drawings and charts to increase accessibility and aid learning. It is written by an expert who has spent his lifetime intimately engaged with these unique creatures. Keeping native stingless bees is a...
Guide to the Wildlife of Perth and Australia's ...
Simon Nevill The highest selling and most comprehensive wildlife guide book in South Western Aust...
Simon Nevill The highest selling and most comprehensive wildlife guide book in South Western Australia! This (reissued) much-respected and encyclopaedic guide, first published in 2014, is indispensable to anyone with an interest in the wide variety of fauna and flora to be found in the south west of Australia. The area bounded by the Margaret River region in the far south west of Western Australia, Lancelin to the north of Perth, Esperance on the mid-south coast and the inland township of Sou...
Wild Australian LifeLeonard Cronin This WA Premier's Prize-winning book is a stunning exploration...
Wild Australian LifeLeonard Cronin This WA Premier's Prize-winning book is a stunning exploration of Australian animals from the creator of the bestselling 'Australian Animal Atlas'. From a leading expert and talented visual artist comes this celebration of the astounding diversity of Australia's animal kingdom. More than one million animal species make their homes in Australia - from the deepest oceans to the tops of mountains and the harshest deserts. But just how do they survive? Discover ...